Tuesday, 30 June 2020
Monday, 29 June 2020
Wednesday, 10 June 2020
New Coronavirus Era- New signs at the airports and stations
1a. Look the following pictures. What do you believe we are going to deal with in this lesson?
b . Let’s make a word cloud with words we know and more.
2. Greece seems to be a very popular destination for tourists.
Look at the following table and see how many tourists arrived in 2015 in Greece and which country they came from.
What do you think are the reasons tourists want to spend their summer holidays in Greece?
Write down as many as you can think
hat language do the tourists use to communicate with Greek people while visiting Greece?
3.Watch the following videos to find out what tourists say about Greece and Greeks.
Are the people in the video native or non-native speakers?
Would you like to meet people from different countries?
What language will you use to speak to them?
Do you think that they all have a certificate in English?
Did you understand them?
Did you notice any mistakes they have made?
Do you think you can give a helping hand to a tourist ?
.STUDENT A: You are a tourist waiting for your flight but you can’t read Greek
STUDENT B: You are a Greek waiting for your flight and want to help a tourist who seems to be confused
You are both standing in front of the board. Make a short dialogue asking for and giving information in English
14th June: International Blood Donor Day
Karl Landsteiner revolutionized medicine when, in 1900-1901, he identified three major human blood types: A, B, and O, which led to safe blood transfusions and millions of lives saved. He also suggested the use of blood types to assist in police enquiries. Thirty years later, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his discovery of the ABO blood group system.
Monday, 8 June 2020
Saturday, 6 June 2020
English teachers will find on this website a wide range of lesson plans based on videos, movies, and short-films, which they can easily browse by category.
Film-English also offers a repository of different resources and website links related to the educational use of films. Blog created and administrated by the teacher, teacher trainer, and materials writer Kieran Donaghy.
A wonderful and very touching film with English subtitles
Wednesday, 3 June 2020
This site offers a wide range of good-quality audio contents which are well organized in 6 sections:
classics, novels, novellas, short stories, intermediate material and advanced material.
It is also interesting that, for every audio, there is a faster and a slower version.
Miss Daisy is Crazy
Kids' literature
https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ohNtZ3uXVoBZifUA6huvssVxLIyGd_Ed https://quizlet.com/276712812/miss-daisy-is-crazy-chapters-12-flash-...
EARTH IS SUFFERING!!! How much do you know about climate change? Watch the film to find out more https://youtu.be/5EgvXw6IFZs docu...
https://www.esolcourses.com/uk-english/elementary-course/shopping/going-shopping-picture-quiz.html https://www.esolcourses.com/content/exerc...