Chapter 5:
The Most Genius IdeaCircle the correct answer:
1. The synonym of the word “recess” is:
a. A process
b. A break
c. A program
2.What kind of contest did the boys have?
a. The one who shouts the loudest wins.
b. The one who runs the fastest wins.
c. The one who spins around in circles the longest without throwing up wins.
3.What kind of promise did they make?
a. That they would hate school forever.
b. That they would remain friends for a lifetime
c. That they would kick Miss Daisy out of the school.
4. What kind of genius idea did Ryan have?
a. That they should buy the school.
b. That they should skip the classes and go to play football.
c. That they should gather money and buy new video games.
5.What did A.J. propose to turn the school into?
a. A football pitch.
b. A video game arcade.
c. A secret building where they could spy on Miss Daisy.
6.What does AJ think Mrs. Cooney is?
a. A spy.
b. A nurse.
c.The person who kidnapped their real teacher.
7.What is Mrs. Cooney’s poster in reality?
a. A secret code where she sends mystery spy messages.
b. An eye test/vision test poster.
c. A poster with Chinese letters on it.
8. To “keep an eye” on someone, means to:
a. Watch someone carefully.
b. Tell someone a lie.
c. To ignore someone.
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